二年级 (上、下午)

杨晶晶老师毕业于卡尔加里大学文化与传播专业,同年继续在卡尔加里大学教育系深造并取得汉语为第二外语的第二学位。现为亚省注册教师的她在多所双语公立学校教授中文, 并在其过程中积累了丰富的教学经验。杨老师活泼,开朗,对中文教学富有极大的热情,喜爱与孩子互动。 她相信在课堂中,寓教于乐更能让学生体验到学习中文和中国文化的乐趣。
Jing Jing Yang
Sunday Grade 2 AM & Grade 2 PM Classes
Ms. Yang graduated from the University of Calgary with a B.A in Communication and Culture and a B.Ed.in Education specializing in Chinese as a Second Language. Currently, she is a registered teacher in Alberta and has taught Kindergarten through Junior High in many public Chinese and English bilingual schools. Mrs. Yang is an energetic, passionate and experienced teacher. She loves working with young children, teaching Chinese and promoting Chinese culture to them. She believes that in a relaxing and happy learning atmosphere. Students can fall in love with Chinese and gain a good understanding of Chinese culture.