

十一年级  (上午) 毕业于首都师范大学教育专业,后分别在卡尔加里大学和北京语言大学学习第二语言及对外汉语教学。从事汉语教学十五年,曾执教于北京外国语大学。 2006年为微软亚洲研究院设计汉语培训计划并教授高级班商务汉语。普通话水平为一级乙等。她的教案在2016年第二届华文教育教案比赛中荣获三等奖。让学生对中文及中国文化产生兴趣是她追求的目标。 Audrey Li Sunday Grade 11 AM Class Ms. Audrey Li received her Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the Capital Normal University in China. She later studied Teaching of Second Language at University of Calgary as well as Teaching of Chinese at Beijing Language University.   She has 15 years of experience teaching...
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十年级 (上午) 林红老师自毕业以来一直从事培训讲师工作,具有丰富的教学经验。普通话一级乙等。在小学曾任教6年。熟知学生个性特点,因材施教,善于与学生沟通。 Sally Lin Sunday Grade 10 AM Class Ms. Lin has been working as a training program instructor since graduation and is very experienced in teaching. She has taught elementary schools for 6 years and is very familiar with students’ learning characteristics. .  She knows well how to teach students according to their interests...
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七/八年级 (上午) 毕业于哈尔滨师范大学,获教育硕士学位,普通话一级甲等。在国内从事教育工作近20年。现在卡尔加里从事幼儿教育工作和汉语教学工作,致力于传承中华文化,寓教于乐,教学深受学生喜欢。 Celine Zhang Sunday Grade 7 / 8 AM Class Ms. Celine Zhang graduated from Harbin Normal University with a master’s degree in Education. She has nearly 20 years of teaching experience in China and is currently working as an Early Childhood Educator as well as a Chinese teacher in Calgary.  She is...
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八年级 (上午) 李小平,来自北京。毕业于中国人民大学中文专业,在国内多年从事职工教育工作。2010年来到加拿大后,即在卡尔加里中文学校开始中文教学工作,曾教过小学四至六年级和十一、十二年级。分别参加过国家汉办暨孔子学院和国务院侨办组织的汉语教师培训班,并获得“华文教师”证书。中文基础扎实,普通话发音自然标准。 Xiaoping Li Sunday Grade 6 AM Class Ms. Li is from Beijing. She graduated from Renmin University of China with a major in Chinese. She had many years of teaching experience working with adult students in China. Since moving to Canada in 2010, she has been teaching Chinese in at Chinese language...
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五年级 (上、下午) 本科毕业于中央广播电视大学汉语专业,从事小学教育十六年,曾获市区“优秀巾帼”和“优秀班主任”的光荣称号。王老师亲和力强,乐于与人沟通,善于与儿童交流,期盼能帮助学生在学习中国语言和文化方面继续精进。 Shuzhen Wang Sunday Grade 5 AM & Grade 5 PM Classes Ms. Wang graduated from Central Radio and Television University, majoring in Chinese. She has 16 years of experience in teaching elementary students and had received awards for her teaching. She is approachable and relate to people well. She is good at...
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 四年级 (上午)  /  三/ 四年级 (下午) 中国中央财经大学毕业,硕士学位,多年教育培训工作经验。热爱教师职业,对学生富有爱心、耐心和责任心。张老师希望在轻松快乐的学习氛围中,培养学生学习中文的兴趣。 Susan Zhang Sunday Grade 4 AM & Grade 3 / 4 PM Classes Ms. Zhang graduated from Central University of Finance and Economics with a master’s degree. As an experienced instructor, she loves the teaching profession and treats students with care, patience and responsibility. Ms. Zhang would like...
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三年级 (上午) 陈艳东,出生于吉林市,法学硕士研究生,毕业于吉林大学。曾在前“文化中心中文学校”担任中文教师,2015-2016学年度担任华侨中文学校星期天主任工作。在过去的8年里,她一直积极地投身于中国语言与文化教育的倡导与支持工作。她对中文教育有高度的热情,并且热爱激励他人学习。作为华侨学校的中文老师,她的目标是透过生动有趣、轻松愉快的教学方式激励学生学好中国语言和文化。 Yolanda Chan Sunday Grade 3 AM Class Yolanda Chan, born in Jilin, China, graduated from Jilin University with a Master’s Degree of Law. She taught previously at former Cultural Centre Chinese Academy; and served as a Coordinator for Sunday classes at Calgary Chinese Private School during the 2015-2016 school year. In the...
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二年级 (上、下午) 杨晶晶老师毕业于卡尔加里大学文化与传播专业,同年继续在卡尔加里大学教育系深造并取得汉语为第二外语的第二学位。现为亚省注册教师的她在多所双语公立学校教授中文, 并在其过程中积累了丰富的教学经验。杨老师活泼,开朗,对中文教学富有极大的热情,喜爱与孩子互动。 她相信在课堂中,寓教于乐更能让学生体验到学习中文和中国文化的乐趣。 Jing Jing Yang Sunday Grade 2 AM & Grade 2 PM Classes Ms. Yang graduated from the University of Calgary with a B.A in Communication and Culture and a B.Ed.in Education specializing in Chinese as a Second Language. Currently, she is a registered teacher in Alberta and has taught Kindergarten through Junior...
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一年级 (上、下午) 中国广东省木偶艺术剧团专业配音演员。自小接受声乐, 朗诵﹑舞台表演等严格训练。积累七年中国和十六年加拿大之汉语教学经验。擅长汉语拼音教学, 运用唱歌结合游戏之灵活方法,提高学生对中文的兴趣和强化学生的记忆。 Melissa Zhou Sunday Grade 1 AM & Grade 1 PM Classes Ms. Zhou was a professional voice actor for a puppet troupe in China, and had received training in recital and stage performance since a young age. She has seven years of teaching experience in China and 15 years in...
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幼儿园 (下午) 1992年毕业于辽河油田幼儿师范学校,具有8年幼儿教育经验。对待工作认真负责,对待孩子耐心细心。性格开朗、乐观。热爱音乐、运动和手工制作。通过形象生动地教学,提高孩子学习中文的兴趣。 Yan  (Iris) Wang Sunday ECS PM Class Ms. Wang graduated from Liaohe Early Childhood Education School in 1992 and has  8 years’ experience in pre-school education. She is responsible and treats kids with great patience and caring.  Ms. Wang is out-going and optimistic. She loves music, sports and handcrafts. MS. Wang would...
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Calgary Chinese Private School

126 2nd Avenue S.W. Calgary
Alberta Canada T2P 0B9 

[email protected]

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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