

三 / 四年級 (上、下午) 持有加拿大亞省初級幼兒教育證書。在華僑學校教學8年並曾任教多間中文學校,擁有超過16年的教學經驗。曾在卡爾加利大學進修幼兒教育培訓課程。除了教學,她在社會上積極參加義工工作,講授中國傳統文化,輔導中國歷史。她希望鼓勵學生發現自己的文化根源。並從學習第二語言受益。 Anna Quon Grade 3 / 4 AM & Grade 3 / 4 PM Classes Ms. Quon holds a certificate in childcare. She has been a Chinese language teacher at Calgary Chinese Private School for 8 years and has over 16 years of teaching experience. Ms. Quon had studied childhood education...
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二年級 (上、下午) 畢業於中國廣州師範大學,從事教育工作數年。精通英語,粵語和國語,有高度的責任感和豐富的教學經驗,對中國傳統文化有較全面的認識。熱愛學生,注重學生的智力和人格培養。寓教於樂,希望通過中文教育,讓學生從小對中國文化產生濃厚的興趣,從而為其成長創造另一個新的文化層面。 Vivian Ye Grade 2 AM & Grade 2 PM Classes Ms. Ye graduated from South China Normal University, and taught at senior high level for a few years. Ms. Ye is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin and is highly responsible and experienced in teaching. She is also very knowledgeable about the...
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一年級 (下午) 畢業於湖南省湘潭師範學院,工學學士學位,中學一級教師資格。從事教育工作十二餘年,具有豐富的教學經驗,能根據學生實際情況因材施教。熱愛教育工作,對待工作認真負責,關愛學生。 Yang Yeping Grade 1 PM Class Ms. Yang graduated from Hunan Xiangtan Teachers University with a bachelor’s degree in engineering. She has the qualifications as a Class I Secondary School Teacher and has taught more than twelve years. She is an experienced teacher and can teach accordingly to students’ diverse ability levels...
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一年級 (上午) 畢業於中國廣東省幼兒師範學校。並在1996-2000年間完成小學綜合教育專業課程。在中國有九年的幼兒教育經驗,被評定為國家小學教育一級教師。曾被評為市優秀教師。移居加拿大後,從2008年至今在華僑中文學校任教。以尊重、理解、信任、愛護學生為理念,善於發揮學生的積極性、創造性。致力於培養學生學習中文的興趣,豐富學生中華文化知識。 Yu Yan Liu Grade 1 AM Class Ms. Liu graduated from a kindergarten training school in Guangdong, China. She also completed a comprehensive educational program for elementary school in 2000. Miss Liu had 9 years of teaching experience in early childhood education in mainland China and was appraised as a Class I...
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幼高班 (下午) 2012年,在英國博爾頓大學取得榮譽學士學位。在加拿大幼稚園實習和工作,非常喜歡跟小朋友們一起。現在卡爾加里的博瓦立學院繼續進修第二專業學前教育,目前已經獲得幼教一級資格證書。廣東話和普通話流利。沈老師相信世界上最開心的事情之一就是能做一位幼教方面的好老師。 Tian Shen Upper Kindergarten PM Class Ms. Shen obtained a bachelor’s degree from University of Bolton in the United Kingdom in 2012. After working in Canada’s preschool, she realized that she was really interested in working with children and young people. She pursued another major in Early Learning and Childcare at Bow Valley College.  Currently she holds a Childcare Staff Qualification Certificate. Ms. Shen is...
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幼高班 (上午) 現任教華僑學校。二零零七年榮獲中國頒發“華文教育優秀獎”。已完成卡加利大學舉辦第二語言教師培訓課程,並持有亞省幼兒初級教育證書。 So HungTse Upper Kindergarten AM Class Ms. Tse is currently teaching at the Calgary Chinese Private School. She was a recipient of 2007 China Excellence in Chinese Education Award. She also completed the Second Language Teachers’ Training Program at the University of Calgary. Ms. Tse holds a Level 1 Certificate for Alberta...
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幼稚園低班 (上、下午) 熱愛音樂、運動和教育事業,畢業於中國蘇州鐵道師範學院幼兒教育專業,移民加國後繼續在Bow Valley College進修Early Childhood Education(學前教育)、並取得亞省Child Development Supervisor (Level 3)的資格。 Jessica Ma Lower Kindergarten AM & Lower Kindergarten PM Classes Ms. Jessica Ma, who always has a big smile, loves to play the piano. She was a kindergarten teacher in China before moving to Canada and is currently a Level 3 Childcare Educator. She...
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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in...
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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in...
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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in...
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Calgary Chinese Private School

126 2nd Avenue S.W. Calgary
Alberta Canada T2P 0B9 

[email protected]

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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