
十一年级  (上午)

毕业于首都师范大学教育专业,后分别在卡尔加里大学和北京语言大学学习第二语言及对外汉语教学。从事汉语教学十五年,曾执教于北京外国语大学。 2006年为微软亚洲研究院设计汉语培训计划并教授高级班商务汉语。普通话水平为一级乙等。她的教案在2016年第二届华文教育教案比赛中荣获三等奖。让学生对中文及中国文化产生兴趣是她追求的目标。

Audrey Li
Sunday Grade 11 AM Class

Ms. Audrey Li received her Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the Capital Normal University in China. She later studied Teaching of Second Language at University of Calgary as well as Teaching of Chinese at Beijing Language University.   She has 15 years of experience teaching Mandarin and has taught at Beijing Foreign Languages University.  In 2006, she designed a corporate training plan for Microsoft Research Asia and taught business Chinese for an advanced level class.
In 2016, she won the third prize in the Second Overseas Chinese Education Lesson Plan Contest. Her goal is to help students develop interest  in Chinese and Chinese culture.

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