

兒童繪畫班 (中午) 廖老師從很小的時候,就很喜歡畫畫,制做手工藝品和創作,並從中得到了無窮的樂趣和啓發。高中畢業後,在卡爾加里大學進修並尋找適合自己的專業.廖老師現在就讀於阿爾伯塔藝術與設計學院 (Alberta College of Art and Design),主修藝術與設計。她希望每一個孩子都會在課堂上享受創作的樂趣, 拓展思維,並對自己的作品感到自豪。 Tiffany Sengsavang Saturday Art Class / Noon hour Class From a very young age, Ms. Sengsavang has loved drawing, crafts and creative arts and has gained a lot pleasure and inspiration from them. After high school graduation,  she took various courses at the University of...
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十二年級 (上午) / 函授班 (下午) 畢業於卡加利大學語言學系和教育系,現為亞省註冊教師,並教授華僑學校高中班。 Boris Kwok Saturday Grade 12 AM Class &Correspondence PM Class Mr. Kwok graduated from the University of Calgary with degrees in Linguistics and Education. He has an Alberta Teaching Certificate and is teaching at senior high level at Calgary Chinese Private School.
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十一年級 (上、下午) 1992年畢業於廣州大學中文系,熱愛中國傳統文化,為人開朗樂觀,熱愛孩子,熱衷中文敎學工作。 Jenny Li Saturday Grade 11 AM & Grade 11 PM Classes Ms. Li graduated from Chinese Language Department at Guangzhou University In 1992. She loves Chinese traditional culture and is cheerful and optimistic. She loves children and is passionate about Chinese education.
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九年級 (上午) 畢業於台灣淡江大學。曾參加全港英文朗誦比賽,獲得優異成績。大學生涯中曾多次參與課外活動,且擔當重要角色,具有一定管理與領導才能。普通話和廣東話流利,熱愛中文教育事業。 Keith Yu Saturday Grade 9 AM Class Mr. Yu graduated from Taiwan TamKang University.  He had participated in English Recitation Competition in Hong Kong and obtained excellent results. During his university years, he was involved in many extracurricular activities and took on important roles in them due to his management and leadership...
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八、九年級 (下午) 法學學士學位,畢業於中國黑龍江大學法学院。一直從事教育工作,有豐富的教學經驗,有責任心、愛心。曾多次參加國內外漢語教師培訓。曾被省教委授予優秀教師稱號。取得中華人民共和國國家教委高等教育教師資格認證。在國內外發表過數篇著作及作品。獲得過很高的榮譽。 Lu Xia Zhang Saturday Grade 8 / 9  PM Class Ms. Luxia Zhang,B.A. in law, graduated from the faculty of law, University of Heilongjiang in China. She has been working in the field of education and is an experienced, dedicated and caring teacher. She has participated in many workshops and training programs...
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八年級 (上午) 畢業於香港葛量洪師範學院,一九九零年移民加國,一九九二年加入華僑學校。二零零七年獲中國頒發中國優秀海外華文教師「華文教育優秀獎」。 Mariza Chan Saturday Grade 8 AM Class Ms. Chan graduated from Hong Kong Grantham College of Education, and immigrated to Canada in 1990. She joined the Calgary Chinese Private School In 1992. In 2007, she received the “Excellent Overseas Chinese Teacher’s Award”.
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七年級 (上、下午) 黃美德老師畢業於廣州大學,在廣州西關培英中學任教25年,並獲得廣東省教育廳任命為中學高級教師資格。移民加拿大後便在卡爾加利華僑中文學校任中文教師,至今已有15年,對華文教育、傳揚中國文化作出了努力及貢獻,曾獲中國國務院僑務辦公室頻發《海外華文教師優秀獎》。 Mei De Huang Saturday Grade 7 AM & Grade 7 PM  Classes Ms. Meide Huang graduated from Guangzhou University. She taught in the Xiguan Pui Ying Middle School for 25 years, and held a Senior High School Teacher Certificate issued by Guangdong Ministry of Education. Ms. Huang has been teaching Chinese in...
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音樂課 (下午) 陳老師是周六下午班音樂課的老師。目前她在 Henry Wise Wood High School 就讀十二年級。她在香港長大,讀高中的時候才搬來加拿大。陳老師喜歡吹單簧管(黑管)和彈鋼琴。學習新的樂器和聽音樂歌曲是她的興趣。在來年讀大學時,她可能會副修音樂。 Yueshi Chen Saturday Music PM Class Ms. Chan is the music teacher for Saturday afternoon classes Currently she is a Grade 12 student at  Henry Wise Wood High School. Ms. Chan was born in Hong Kong and moved to Canada in Grade 10. She enjoys playing...
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音樂課 (上午) 馬老師出生於香港,10年級時移民到卡加利,在卡加利大學畢業。過去20年間,曾在香港擔任會計師。由於音樂一直是她的興趣,以前曾上過鋼琴課和音樂理論課。在過去十年中,在教會的兒童和青少年事工服務。 馬老師對教學和與孩子相處方面也充滿熱情。期待著與華僑學校的學生們一起在一個自由和愉快的音樂環境中學習和成長。 Doris Ma Music Class – AM Class Ms. Ma was born in Hong Kong. She migrated to Calgary in grade 10 and finished her studied at the University of Calgary. She worked in Hong Kong as an accountant for the past 20 years. As music has always been her interest, she...
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五 /六年級 (上、下午) 廣東省江門市五邑大學中文系本科畢業,獲文學學士學位.後於廣州華南師範大學進修,獲教育碩士學位。在江門市省一級小學任教十七年,獲小學語文高級教師資格,具有豐富的小學語文教學經驗。熱愛中華文化,樂於傳承中華文化;希望通過華僑學校這個歷史悠久的平台激發海外學子對中華文化的熱愛。 Yuanting Zhao Grade 5 / 6 AM & Grade 5 / 6 PM Classes Ms. Zhao received her Bachelor’s Degree in Chinese Literature from Wu yi University of Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China. She pursued further studies at South China Normal University and obtained a Master’s Degree in Education. She had...
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Calgary Chinese Private School

126 2nd Avenue S.W. Calgary
Alberta Canada T2P 0B9 

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Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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